Here you will find answers to the most frequent questions about use of our service
Our online support team will help you in placing your orders. Once you order has
been placed, our writing department team will review your order and assign it to one
of the available writer. We have a high number of professional writers specializing
in different field. Therefore, rest assured that your order will only be handled by
the specialized professional writer. Once the writer completes your order, he or she
will submit the paper to our editors who help in editing, proof reading and making
sure all the instructions were followed by the writer. This is just another level
introduced to ensure maximum quality.
Just go to the order page and fill in your details. You detail remain confidential
and they are only meant to help us reach you just in case we need further details or
instructions on your order.
Once the paper is complete it will be uploaded to your already created account and
it will be available to you.
Do not panic, just contact our online support team through the chat or through the
toll free number. Our support team will assist you and you will definitely get your
If the paper has not been assigned to any writer, you just need to contact the
support team for a full refund.